Merry Christmas
Mislila sam da je već polako vrijeme za malo pisanja. Priznajem, bila sam lijena i vjerojatno izbjegavala laptop. Ne znam zašto, ali bilo je super. A sada opet, tu sam i tipkam vam postić jer sam htjela zaželjeti Sretan Božić (iako je već 27.) Uf, nadam se da ste raspoloženi za malo opraštanja u ovo doba godine. ;)I thought it was about time to write some more, again. I admit, I've been lazy, and yes, probably been avoiding my laptop. Don't know why, but it's been great! And yet again, I'm here, typing this post, because I've wanted to say Merry Christmas, although it's already 27th now. Shoot. Ehm, hope you are forgiving this time of year. ;)
CHRISTMAS EVE "It feels like Easter"
A walk with my friend through the village, enjoying the warm weather. A mix of serenity, animals, humans and nature. Bliss.
CHRISTMAS "Pleasantly too much"
I've been working for almost entire day. Because I wanted. I was making my room more comfortable. At first it started with a simple garbage throw-out when at the end I finished with decoupaging my old table. And while doing that I pretended to be a surgeon. I was filling the blanks with thin layers of paper with a pair of tweezers. It's my new obsession probably due to too much Grey's anatomy. *laugh*
Another thing is that I ate too much. I can't breathe, which is weird because this year cupcakes were not even good. Sorry mum. :D
I'm Feeling: full
Music: Matt Corby - Lonely Boy
Food: chocolate salami
Drink: water
How did you spend your time this Christmas?
Možeš actually šetati selom bez komentara "gle ovu, nema pametnijeg posla od šetanja?"? Ja ne mogu haha :D Baš lijepe fotkice.. Slike stola molim :)
OdgovoriIzbrišihaha a eto, mogu. nije bilo previše ljudi vani. :P
Izbrišistol ni nije slikan. :S
Divne su ti slike! i sretan Božić i sve oko njega :*
OdgovoriIzbrišihvala ti. :*
IzbrišiPrekrasne slikice! Sretan Božić :**
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala ti. :*
IzbrišiLijepe slike, domaće :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiJa se nadam da si se lijepo provela za Božić! :)
Hvala, Juraj.
IzbrišiJesam, nadam se da si i ti. :)
aw beautiful photos!! hope you had a wonderful holiday! :D
Thanks, Kat. You too. ;)